Thursday, January 3, 2013

thursday in school

When you are done taking notes on the design principles powerpoint, do a search of 'front view of home or house' in google images to find different homes and the view of the front of the house. You will then look for the examples which best show: 1. a smooth undulsting line for the foundation planting; 2. a choppy line:3. a flat line on the foundation planting;4. a symetrical planting;5. an asymetrical ,but balanced planting; 6. a foundation planting with plants that are proportionate to the house; 7. A planting with plants that are way too small; 8. a foundation planting with plants that are way too big; 9. A planting that has equal amounts of evergreen and deciduous plants; 10. A planting that has winter interest; 11. A planting that is bad because it is all one color; 12. a planting that has at least one color combination. Make sure to label each photo with the appropriate title.

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